Yes, if you remember my post last year, then you would be asking the question Didn't Jared and Joanna get married already?
For many, including myself it is defiantly not typical to celebrate the same wedding twice at least not this extravagantly. If you must have a reason I will let you in on a secret. The Green's Just like to have fun. Ok that was corny. Well, lets get over the fact that we've toasted and danced to this occasion before and take a look at the pics. B/c to me they are way more important than any of my grammatically imperfect text and tell the story 20x better than I could write it.
If you are scrolling through this post and you do not see the amazing pic I took of you during party and you are thinking to yourself how do I get my hands on the pic, click here. You can email me for the password to download. Sorry, posting every pic to the blog would required me to ask my family for compensation beyond free room and board. (WE ALL KNOW THAT AINT HAPPENIN)